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3 Reasons Not to Get CoolSculpting

There are lots of reasons people want to freeze their fat with CoolSculpting, but are there any reasons you shouldn’t?  Here are three potential reasons.

1. I Literally Don’t Have 35 Minutes to Spare

What? You don’t have 35 minutes? We’re sure there are people out there who really don’t have 35 minutes to spare. CEOs, globetrotters, celebrities, new mothers. But when even world travelers like Sonja Morgan and Johnny Weir are taking time to get CoolSculpting, it’s hard to imagine anyone who really doesn’t have 35 minutes. And yes, just 35 minutes is all it takes for most of our applicators to give you a permanent fat reduction. You’re going to spend a lot more time – and potentially a lot more money – losing that extra weight in the gym.  

2. My “Problem Areas” Aren’t a Problem

That’s great! Wait, then why did you just call them your “problem areas?” If you’re 100% happy with your body – then don’t get CoolSculpting! But if you’re reading this blog post, well, then there’s probably something you’d like to change. And there is nothing wrong with that! It’s your body, after all. Be honest with yourself. If that extra belly fat rally does bother you, there’s no point in pretending like it doesn’t – not when you have the option of CoolSculpting it away. 

3. I’d Rather Just Have Liposuction

Okay, absolutely! If you want to have liposuction, then have liposuction. We’re not going to stop you! But the reason most people look into CoolSculpting to begin with is because they’re attracted to the idea of a quick, non-invasive procedure with no downtime. If that’s appealing to you, then there’s no harm in taking a free consultation just to see what kind of results you can achieve – and how much CoolSculpting costs. For some cases, CoolSculpting can be less expensive than lipo, not to mention that it’s so much easier! If you still want to go the lipo route after that, then we’re happy to give you a referral to a trusted specialist.