The abdomen is the #1 treatment area for CoolSculpting, but there are some specific considerations that need to be taken into account when treating the tummy.
CoolSculpting Eliminates Fluffy, Pinchable Fat
If you can “pinch an inch,” on your tummy, it’s likely that CoolSculpting can help eliminate that fat! As always, a consultation is needed to know whether you’re a good candidate or not.
One thing that’s important when discussing abdomen treatments are the types of fat that CoolSculpting can treat. CoolSculpting addresses the fluffy, pinchable fat on the abdomen, also known as subcutaneous fat. CoolSculpting can’t eliminate “hard” fat, also called visceral fat, that’s located underneath the muscle inside the abdominal cavity. CoolSculpting also cannot treat someone that has experienced partial or complete muscle separation on the abdomen, commonly known as diastasis recti. CoolSculpting eliminates fat, so the problem needs to be fat for it to work.
While an in-person consultation is the best way to ensure you’re a good candidate, you can also take a CoolSculpting virtual photo consultation. Many conditions like diastasis recti can be identified through photographs, saving you the drive and directing you towards the correct treatment options for your stomach situation.
You Might Need More Than One Treatment
CoolSculpting treatments freeze fat, resulting in a noticeable 20-25% reduction at 120 days. But fat isn’t always stored evenly across the entire abdomen. Most commonly, clients will have a little bit more fat in the lower abdomen. That means that you might need more treatments in one part of the abdomen to get the results you want. Most common is treating the lower abdomen once and then treating the full abdomen. That way, the lower abdomen (where the greatest reduction is desired) will get the most treatment and the most reduction.
Your Treatment Plan Should Consider the Whole Body
It’s important to consider how the reduction will impact the whole body. A plan that involves aggressively treating fat on the lower abdomen without also treating the upper abdomen might result in a “shelving” effect where the fat underneath is reduced but now you have untreated area above that is daring attention to itself. It’s crucial to consider how your entire body is going to look rather than just eliminating fat in one area.
We all have areas where we tend to store more fat, but it’s rare that fat gets stored in only one place. Often if a client is looking to eliminate fat in the abdomen, they also have fat elsewhere in the body, like the love handles. It’s important with every consultation to understand your goals and the treatment plan that will help you get there. If your goal is, “I want pants and shirts to fit better,” then a consultation will help determine whether the abdomen is the most effective way to reach that goal or if the love handles might also need to be addressed.
The Applicators You Need for the Stomach Will Vary
Applicators needed for properly treating your abdomen will vary based on your body size and how the fat presents – it all depends on your individual body. There’s no one cookie-cutter treatment plan that is going to work for everyone. So if you see two applicators being used in one abdomen treatment and one large applicator in another, that’s down to individual differences in how the fat presents.
Abdomen CoolSculpting is for Both Women & Men
CoolSculpting works regardless of gender. While men do tend to have more visceral fat that can’t be treated with CoolSculpting, most men also have subcutaneous fat in the abdomen that can be treated. Each belly is treated on a case-by-case basis. Just because you’re a man (or a woman) is not a reason that CoolSculpting will or will not work.

CoolSculpting Eliminates 20-25% of Fat in the Treated Area
The best CoolSculpting candidates will be within 20—30 pounds of their ideal weight. CoolSculpting is intended for treating pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Each CoolSculpting treatment produces a 20-25% reduction compared to the 70-80% reduction provided by liposuction. While CoolSculpting can produce similar results to liposuction, in most cases it would take a lot of treatments to achieve the same results. If you’re beyond 20-30 pounds of your ideal weight, getting the results you want from CoolSculpting alone may be difficult and your provider may recommend diet and exercise or even liposuction as a potential alternative.